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Sharing the Details with Tara

Me and Stephon were still talking about the experience we had in StangerVille, and then Tara walked in. I gave her a hug, and then I told her about how me and Stephon went to StrangerVille to see what was going on down there. I told her about what I saw on the news, and then Stephon started sharing some more details about our trip in StrangerVille. Tara was glad that I was okay after I told her about the encounter I had with that possessed-like person. Anyways, we're still chatting about StrangerVille. Tara wants to come with me and Stephon the next time we go down there, but I don't know if we should bring her. It might be too dangerous, and I wouldn't want anything bad to happen to her...

Me and Tara
Me, Tara, and Stephon
Me, Tara, and Stephon


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