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Getting Ready for the Barbecue

I got home from the gym a little while ago, and I did some preparing for the barbecue by cleaning this place up a bit. I cleaned up the garbage Tigger dragged everywhere, filled up his bowl with food, and I did some of these damn dishes. I'm so thankful for having a dishwasher now because I hate doing the dishes! Anyways, I just gave Tara, Genevieve, and my parents a call to invite them to the barbecue. Everyone's on there way and should be here shortly. Stephon and Lydia said they were both already coming when I invited them earlier at the gym, so I didn't need to call them. It's gonna be an awesome barbecue, man!

Cleaned up the garbage dragged everywhere
Filling up Tigger's food bowl
Doing the dishes
Inviting everyone to the barbecue


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