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The Music Stuck With Me!

So, I got back from a long night at the Blue Velvet and man... although I was tired, I still had the music flowing through me! I didn't want to end the night, well... morning now, just yet. I turned on some tunes and began dancing. I had such a good time, and I just needed to get that music out of me.

I still wasn't quite ready to call it a night, so I decided to go practice with my new violin. Unfortunately, the violin isn't my instrument quite yet, lol. All I could get out of it were screeches and noise.

Finally, my body was ready to break down through exhaustion, but I needed to get a quick meal in me. You just can't go to bed without food after a night of drinking. I finished off some pancakes I left on the table from earlier in the evening, ugh... kind of old and cold, but it had to do because I was too tired to cook. It’s a good thing I work the evening shifts now.

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