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Having Some Drinks With Tara

Me and Tara are just having some drinks now. I'm already getting pretty buzzed because I had a few before she arrived. We're gonna get hammered and have a blast tonight!

Anyways, me and Tara were sitting at the bar chugging back on our booze. We were talking about making another trip to Sulani soon. We had such a good time when we went there the last time.

"The dolphin, Ricky," Tara said. "The dolphin!"

"That was something," I replied. "The thing just popped out of nowhere."

Me and Tara laughed as we sipped back on our drinks.

After talking about Sulani for a bit, the subject changed to the incident I just experienced not too long ago where I felt a disturbance.

"How are you feeling now, Ricky?" Tara asked. "Do you still feel a disturbance?"

"Not right now," I replied. "I wonder why I was feeling that earlier though."

Me and Tara continued to talk about the incident. I tried to make sense of the disturbance that I was feeling, but I just couldn't figure it out.

Well, it's almost time for another drink because I'm getting pretty damn thirsty! I hope this night goes smoothly without any more incidents because I just wanna have a good time and celebrate being home.

It's happening again. I'm feeling a disturbance. Wait, maybe it's not a disturbance. It feels as if a memory is trying to pull me towards it.

The world around me fades away. I am drifting through a tunnel of beautiful light. An image is beginning to emerge...

The image emerges. I have crossed time back to that day just before me and Tara entered the portal for the very first time. I see us. We are holding hands. We are about to go through the portal.

"Are you ready?" I see myself asking Tara.

"Let's do this, Ricky!" Tara replies.

"I don't know what's going to happen," I tell Tara. "I love you, babe."

"I love you too, Ricky," Tara replies. "No matter what happens, forever us!"

"Forever us!" I respond.

I see myself approaching the portal.

"I will go first," I say to Tara.

I see myself enter the portal, and suddenly, everything fades to black.


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